New Convection Reflow Ovens for High-Throughput Applications

The new MK7 convection reflow ovens revolutionize the industry with several new ground breaking designs and incorporates all of the customer requests for lower Delta T, reduced nitrogen consumption and extended PM into a new low height package that makes it easy to see across the production floor.
We invite you to visit any of our three locations to run profiles and gather DATA for yourself to see the strong advantages of the MK7 reflow oven for your production! Or if you prefer, send us your toughest pcb and we will run reflow soldering profiles and generate the data for you. We are happy to work with you to custom configure your reflow ovens to suit your needs.
- Highest Yield!
- Lowest Delta T on the board
- Lowest Nitrogen & Electrical Usage!
- Maintenance Free!
- VOID Free – with Vacuum option
- Industry 4.0 Compatibility Reflow Oven
- Integrated Cpk software at No Charge!
Convection Reflow Oven w/New Low Height Top Shell
The new low height top shell provides much easier access for reflow oven operators. All skins have double insulation to save up to 10-15% in reflow soldering energy loss.
INDUSTRY 4.0 Compatible Convection Reflow Oven
Internet of Manufacturing (IoM) — Smart factories, intelligent machines and networked processes through the use of cyber-physical systems.
Enhanced low height heater module provides the lowest Delta Ts with better air flow and uniformity! The Uniform Gas Management system eliminates “net flow” which results in nitrogen consumption reductions of up to 40%! New semi-circular heater is more robust and efficient with much longer lifetime.
Revolutionary Flux Management System
Our reflow oven has a revolutionary flux collection system that traps the flux in collection jars which can be easily removed and replaced while the reflow soldering oven is running – saving time consuming P.M. The new flux filtration box also has no risk of flux clogging for a longer-term P.M. interval.

Additionally, our proprietary Flux-Free Grill system limits the flux residue on the cooling grills giving the Heller reflow oven system the highest production yields of any oven!
New Green Flux Management Solution – Low Temperature Catalyst
The new low temperature catalyst system uses an integrated catalyst inside the heater modules to decomposes into harmless CO2 and H2O, while producing no harmful exhaust or waste byproducts. Unlike other flux removal technologies, the catalyst does not require any additional power or cooling, saving in operating costs. The catalyst has the added benefit of reducing Oxygen in the oven as well, reducing Nitrogen usage to achieve target PPM levels. The catalyst keeps the oven clean of flux residue, extending PM intervals and increasing productivity. Learn more about reflow oven flux removal.
Convection Reflow Oven CPK
We provide a dynamic 3 tiered system (Tier 1: Reflow Oven CPK, Tier 2 Process CPK, Tier 3 Product Traceability) enabling customers to quickly improve product quality and yield while reducing costs. And the additional benefits of automatic record keeping and recall provide customers with the peace of mind that all reflow soldering process parameters are under control and within spec.
Convection Reflow Oven With Programmable Cooling
Reflow Oven Energy Management Software